Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Carter's Blessing...

Carter was blessed on October 12th. It was such a special day. We had our family and friends there to support us. Ben gave him a special blessing asking that he grow in health and strength; have a strong body, mind, spirit; that he be a joy to his parents; that he have a fun childhood; that he have a desire to learn and study in school, the scriptures, the gospel; that he get as much education as he can; that he serve a mission, find a worthy companion to take to the temple, and find a good career to support his family. Carter was really good and didn't cry at all during the whole sacrament meeting. I found the courage to bear my testimony, which is a challenge for me. I almost didn't have the chance because in our ward if you snooze, you lose. We have a very active ward and someone always has the desire to share their testimony.
I can't believe how the time flies. Carter is getting so big. He is at such a fun stage. He loves to smile and be talked to. He's starting to be really social. He is such a blessing in our lives. I heard this saying and really liked it. "We didn't give you the gift of life, life gave us the gift of you." That's so true and I'm so thankful for my little boys. They are truly the light of our lives!


Carly said...

You look sassy Lisa!

Miss ya. When are you coming up next?