Friday, July 24, 2009

1/2 Birthday...My Favorite Things About Maddix Lately

Today is Maddix's 1/2 he's 3 1/2. Normally I don't celebrate this, which we didn't do much but I had free store credit at Staple's that had to be used up so I bought him an artist smock and water paints. And I always feel a little bad because he gets the bulk of his presents for the year in the winter and wanted him to have something fun to look forward to in the summer. Of course I sang "Happy Half Birthday" song. And it was so cute because he kept telling me I needed to make him a 'half cake'. What a smartie...half a cake for half a birthday! Anyway this is my little tribute to him because he's just really cracking me up lately. So here's some of my favorite Maddix quirk's recently. He loves the movie "Toy Story" and and also loves to jump off of things lately. So when he jumps he says, "to infinity and beyond" just like Buzz does before he flies. Also he's been so inquisitive recently. I'll tell him something we need to do for example...make the beds. He'll ask why and I'll say something like because we don't use them in the day and it just looks nice. He again ask why and then he'll say, "tell me all about it." I'm not sure where he picked that one up, but it's so cute. Then since it's been the 4th of July and lots of fireworks going on...his new thing is to make me sit down and watch his fireworks show. He'll throw toys up into the air or down the stairs. He'll tell me exactly where I have to sit. But my favorite is how he says the Grand Finale...he'll say,"Look, I've got a really cool granny folly!" Next on the list is his new favorite cartoon...Hong Kong Phooey. He found it while staying up late and watching TV with Grandma Pam. He says it "Honk Honk Phooey" and he'll sing a little song about him being a crazy dancer. It's this old school 1970's cartoon and it is quite entertaining. Luckily we found out it comes on at 9:00 am so he can watch it then. And finally the last thing was when we were shopping with Grandma Pam. She has this habit of buying things in multiples when she finds a good deal. A lot of times she'll buy at least 6 of something and have it on hand for wedding center pieces. Well, she was doing this and Maddix was in her cart. He told her, "Grandma, you don't need that many." Then a little later he said, "Most people only buy one!" How does he know that? He's probably been listening to his Dad and Grandpa Larry! Maddix is such a joy to have around. He is truly one of my best friends and I love him to death.
P.S. His hair is long on purpose. I'm trying to grow it out for that shaggy look. But it's at that I really need a haircut phase...hopefully we'll be over that phase soon!


Anonymous said...

Happy 1/2 birthday. I love you idea to celebrate anyway. He is so cute. Hope to see you soon.