Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hallelujah!...Nana Connie, Grandma Pam, Grandpa Lou, Grandpa Larry

This is a little tribute to my funny Maddix. He was at his Grandma Pam and Grandpa Larry's house one day. Larry likes to watch old westerns and had one on the television. On the show, the people were sitting around a fire and singing a song that said "Hallelujah" a lot. Grandma and Grandpa started singing it and clapping their hands over their heads like on the movie, they told Maddix to do it too. So, he did and it has really caught on. At first he was a little shy about doing it, but now not so much. One day we were out working in the yard and Maddix was just off by himself not talking to either of us and out of the blue I heard him singing "hal-lou-la!" And that's how he says it. I thought it was so funny! I just wonder what's going this his little mind?!? Which brings me to the next little thing he's picked up. He now knows the first names of all his Grandma's and Grandpa's and Mom and Dad. And just out of the blue, he'll start rattling them off. He'll say Nana Connie, Grandma Pam, Grandpa Lou, and then he sometimes gets a little confused with the other Grandpa's name probably because they both are called grandpa and their names both start with L's. But he does know who his Grandpa Larry is. Well, then he used to call Ben, Ben...except he'd always shout it. Then one day, he started calling Ben the nickname he had when he was a kid, Benji. No one really calls him this, except for me and maybe his mom every once in a while. So, now he always calls him Benji. One day in nursery they gave the kids a little booklet about their bodies. There is a picture of a boys face and they are wanting the children to realize that it is the head. Well, I was reading it to him and asked him what this was called and he says, "Benji." Well, as you can see in the picture above, there is certainly a resemblance. For a while he would never say my name. When asked what my name was, he'd say Mama or Mommy. Well, now he's knows my name and is not afraid to use it. If he's trying to get my attention he'll say Mama and if I don't respond right away, he'll start saying Lisa over and over again. And then, in the middle of the night he wakes up often and he'll call out for me. He'll usually say mom for a while, which I can try to ignore and then if that doesn't work he'll call Lisa which I can't resist any longer and I'll usually go get him...he really knows how to tug on my heartstrings.