Thursday, July 17, 2008

Chantilly Place Summer '08 Weddings

Chantilly Place had two weddings scheduled this summer and they both came off without a problem. The first wedding was on June 14th and the second was on July 12th. The weather was great for both...a little windy for the first and definitely hot for the second, but no rain or clouds in sight. They both were very pretty weddings. The first was kind of a shabby chic style with the colors being soft peach, pink, cream, and white. They had rented the nice white folding chairs which gave it a very weddingish feel. The second wedding style was more modern and her colors were brown and blue. They had brown folding chairs that went perfectly with the blue sashes they rented. They both had their ceremonies here and then had receptions to follow. It was so much fun to be able to help out and to offer someplace nice for these cute couples to have a pretty wedding. I was only able to get a picture of the second couple, Stephanie Taylor and Chris Carter, but they were adorable and so fun to work with. Stephanie's mom Chris is the biggest sweetheart and was so great to work with as well. She gave Pam and I thank you gifts, cute Scentsy candles and wax, which was totally unexpected and really sweet. And in addition to that, we couldn't even believe it, but she tipped us both $100. We were so grateful but felt we couldn't accept it. We tried to return it, but she wouldn't take it back. Some people are sooo generous!! There is a lot of work involved, but we both enjoy seeing how things turn out. Hopefully next year we'll get a few more weddings!


Anonymous said...

Wow... that looks do great. I better the house looked awesome too because it completely matches the blue and brown theme. That cake is perfect. Lisa this is your niche!

Natalie said...

AWESOME! Perfact for you! One day if I ever get married I know who is planning my wedding?!?! ;)