Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Big Five!!

On June 18th, it was our first big milestone anniversary of 5 years! I look back and wonder where the time has gone? It's crazy, it seems like yesterday we were just getting married. We've lived in three places since we got married, in an apartment in Logan, in our first house in North Ogden, and in our current house in Roosevelt. Within these five years, we've had one child and have one on the way. I will recap the past anniversary's just so that I remember what we've done to commemorate them. For our first anniversary, we went to my parent's cabin in Farmington Canyon. The next year, we went to Jackson Hole and saw the Bar J Wranglers and stayed in a Teton Mountain Resort. The third year, we went to Salt Lake and stayed in the Hilton Hotel and ate at Olive Garden. Last year, we went out to Salt Lake and watched a movie at the IMAX theatre and went to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. This was actually a treat because there were no nice theatres or restaurants around here. Ben started the tradition of getting me two dozen roses. This year was low key, due to busy schedules traveling somewhere was out of the question. So we just went to a nice dinner at the Hollow Moon Cafe (yes, they finally got a nice restaurant nearby) and we went to see the Incredible Hulk. When we got married 5 years ago, that movie had just come out and we saw it on our honeymoon, so it only seemed fitting to see it again.
As I reflect on the past five years, we've had a lot of good times and we've had our share of disagreements too. It hasn't been all rosy, but I suppose it would be naive to expect any marriage to be. All in all, things have been pretty good. So, here's to many more!


Carly said...

Congrats you guys, woo hoo! Lisa, you are seriously the cutest prego person ever. I hope you are coming to the reunion so I can see you.