Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Peeky Doo"

This is Pinky Dinky Doo or as Maddix calls her, "Peeky Doo". This is a show that comes on Noggin at 1:00 pm which is when Maddix has quiet time. He watches this show and really enjoys it. Pinky makes up stories and will have a word of the day that correlates with the story such as gargantuan, gigantic, unique, nervous, etc. Maddix has started to use these words lately. He'll say gargantuan and knows it means really big. However, he uses nervous and doesn't really know what it means. It cracks me up. For example, I'll ask him to do something or stop doing something and if he doesn't want to he'll say, "Mom, I can't I getting nervous!" I really get a kick out of this. It just goes to show how much they really are picking up on. Another one of my favorite things he's been saying lately is "stylin" (aka styling). He is into combing my hair and putting clips in it. He'll say, "Mom I comb your hair and make you stylin." Or finally when he gets my hair clipped up, he'll say that it looks like a "cow's tail." Thanks a lot buddy!