Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Festivities!

This year for Easter, we had a lot of fun. Maddix and his favorite new friend Stetson kicked off the festivities by having a little Easter party the week before. They helped decorate sugar cookies, color some eggs, and had an Easter egg hunt. Then for the weekend, we went out to the Wasatch front to spend some time with my family. We had a family get together at Uncle Bob and Aunt Julie's house in Layton. Maddix got to participate in another Easter egg hunt with my cousin Shawn's son, Collin and his other cousin Kaitlyn. It was a lot of fun to see this side of the family. It had been about three years since I'd been to one of these get-togethers and they hadn't really ever seen the kids. It was good times visiting with aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. Then on Easter Sunday we spent the day with Nana Connie and my brothers and their families. We had a nice Easter dinner and had a squirt gun fight, blew bubbles, opened more gifts, etc. And finally we stopped by Grandpa Lou's house to visit for a while before we headed back. It was nice to spend time with the whole family. Then on our way back we made our usual drive-by in the Mt. Green area looking at all the available lots and wishing there were some way we could afford to live there...(sigh) maybe some day!
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Anonymous said...

Maddix look so big. Next time you come out call me. Thanks again for the picture. It is so cute.