Monday, October 5, 2009

Carter's 1st Birthday

I'm a little late in getting this post up. Carter turned 1 years old on August 20th. He had a great day. It got started with one birthday waffle and candle. Then it was time for his television debut on Good Things Utah. Then that night he had his first backyard birthday bash. He had some grandparents, all great grandparents, and Uncle Beau, Aunt Nicole, and Auntie Elva there . He had his very own cake and was allowed to go at it. However, he just discovered a fork for the first time and was determined to use that instead of hands. So, he didn't get very messy...which I guess is a good thing? The messy cake pics are good for the old scrapbook though. He enjoyed opening up presents and playing with new toys. One thing he didn't like was his birthday hat...we could barely get him to keep in on long enough to snap a couple of pics. All in all it was a great day. We're so happy to have Carter as a part of our family. He brings so much joy and happiness into our lives. Here are some of the milestones that Carter reached during the last 13 1/2 months. He started rolling over both ways just a few days shy of 7 mos. He also started sitting up unassisted at 7 mos, but was a pro by 7 1/2 mos. He didn't start doing the army crawl thing until about 10 mos. He did this forever it seemed. I thought he wasn't going to ever really crawl. But he finally did start to crawl at around 11 mos. Then he didn't even start to try to walk for a long time. At about 13 mos he started walking around the furniture. He was kind of chicken and didn't dare try it on his own. Then on Sunday, September 27th he took his first steps by himself at church. Throughout the next week he really started picking it up. He got braver and braver, and by the following Sunday (13 1/2 mos) he was walking long distances all by himself!! He is doing very well and soon will be cruising all over the house. He already knows how to open the doors around the house too. He is suddenly growing so fast. In some ways he still seems like a baby because he LOVES his bottle and his binky. But that's ok...he can stay my baby for as long as he wants!! We love ya Carter, aka Boopsy Boo! Shh don't tell Dad, he hates that nickname.