Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Everything

You know those holiday decorations that say "Happy Everything" and have something to represent each holiday throughout the year? Well this is what I feel like saying. I've totally been slacking in the journal/blog department for the last part of the year and haven't made any entries. So here is a recap of the holiday season for the end of 2009. Halloween Super Heroes...

Maddix debated between being Wolverine and Buzz Lightyear, but the Wolverine won out. So Carter got to be Spiderman instead of Woody. Carter was practically busting out of his 12 - 18 month old costume. Good thing it was spandex! We went trick-or-treating on Main St. which I thought would be quaint and fun, but it was way too crowded. We gave up and went home after going only one block! Then on Halloween we took the boys around to the grandparents houses and that was about it. Maddix really just wanted to stay home and answer the door and see all the ghosts and goblins, so we should have just let him do that instead. Maybe next year he'll still want to do that? Who knows? Live and learn I guess. All in all it was a pretty good halloween. My favorite part was the cute pics!


Anonymous said...

I love your pictures. This years card was darling. I bet you just love having to little boys. They are adorable. Hopefully I will see you soon. Do you mind email me Rachel's number? Amid the Christmas confusion it has disappeared. Lets pick our week to do Park City!