Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nicole's Vintage Dick & Jane Inspired Baby Shower

It's been a crazy couple of weeks!  I have been prepping for this shower and my neighbors wedding, and game night at my house, and taking care of our new baby...I mean puppy.  Now I just can't wait until our little nephew arrives!  This shower was so much fun to get ready for.  The inspiration was the classic Dick & Jane books.  So I got ambitious and made my first quilt.  I must say that it turned out great considering my sewing skills.  I am really proud of it.  It is probably the best quilt I'll ever make.  Although I couldn't have done it without some help from Ben's sweet Grandma Vella.  She showed me how to do the picot trim.  I actually learned a lot about sewing from this little project.  Now it's too bad my machine is on the fritz.  I was really on a roll.  I must admit, I didn't 100% sew the blanket.  I had to rely a tiny bit on my BFF Stitch Witchery!  Pam, Connie and I collaborated and came up with the decoration ideas.  We incorporated yellow, white, red, and vintage teal blue as our color scheme. Pam did the main course...yummy french dip sandwiches.  Connie, Vella, and Julie provided the delicious fruit and green salads.  And I was in charge of the desserts.  We had lemon bars, chocolate cupcakes, sugar cookies and huge lollipops as the take home treat.  I have to give a shout out to my girls Rachel and Hollie for the help with the lollipops...I couldn't have done it without Rachel telling me about them and Hollie shopping for me and shipping it out to me.  Thanks chicas!  We had a great turnout and Nicole got the nicest gifts.  Their little guy is going to be totally styling.  Nicole is such a sweetie and I was so glad to be able to have her a fun shower.  I know I am a little biased, but it was my favorite baby shower.  Now I just need Malissa to have a baby girl so I can throw the sweetest tea party inspired shower!!  I'm already dreaming it up in my head...